Muva - New User Onboarding

Muva - New User Onboarding

Mobile and Desktop

The Problem

The Problem

The Problem

During my tenure at Muva Networks, one of the critical projects I undertook was the redesign of the crypto trading process. The core trading process had usability issues, with users finding it difficult to navigate through the platform for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Additionally, the process of making counter offers was not straightforward and created confusion among traders. The platform was dealing with a high rate of user errors and low engagement, which directly impacted the user retention rate and transaction volume.

The key problems identified were:

  1. The complexity of the trading process: Users found it hard to comprehend the buying and selling process, leading to errors and frustration.

  2. Lack of intuitive counter offer mechanism: The platform did not have an easy and user-friendly way for users to make and manage counter offers, affecting the trading activity.

The Solution

The Solution

The Solution

To solve these problems, I led the redesign efforts focusing on the mobile and desktop views of the platform. I started with conducting extensive usability tests and gathering user feedback to identify the areas of improvement and potential UX issues. The insights derived from these tests and feedback guided the redesign process.

The solutions implemented included:

  1. Streamlining the trading process: The buying and selling process was simplified and made more intuitive. We created a straightforward flow that guided users step-by-step through the trade, reducing confusion and errors.

  2. Developing a counter offer system: We designed a system to allow users to make counter offers in a simple and intuitive manner. The system was designed to notify users of counter offers, allow for easy acceptance or modification, and keep track of all counter offers made.

The redesign efforts were not just limited to these key areas; we also developed a robust and adaptable design system to maintain consistency across all products and the platform. In addition, we refined the onboarding flow for traders, creating a seamless process that guided them efficiently through the platform.

The Result

The Result

The Result

The redesign of the trading process and the introduction of the counter offer system significantly improved the user experience on Muva Networks' trading platform. Usability tests conducted post-launch showed a marked reduction in user errors and an increase in engagement. The trading volume also increased, indicating that users were more comfortable with trading on the platform.

Key results included:

  1. Decreased user errors: After the redesign, there was a significant reduction in user errors during the trading process, leading to a smoother user journey.

  2. Increased user engagement: The user engagement on the platform increased, demonstrating that the intuitive design and simplified trading process were well-received by users.

  3. Improved trading volume: The platform witnessed an increase in trading volume, indicating a positive response from users to the streamlined trading process and counter offer system.

This project was a testament to the impact of user-centered design and collaboration with cross-functional teams on improving the user experience and, consequently, the business outcomes.

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If you have a project and need someone to discuss it with, reach out to me as I am open to exploring any offers or opportunities that may arise.


Looking for a designer? Contact me!

If you have a project and need someone to discuss it with, reach out to me as I am open to exploring any offers or opportunities that may arise.


Looking for a designer? Contact me!

If you have a project and need someone to discuss it with, reach out to me as I am open to exploring any offers or opportunities that may arise.